Wednesday, November 2, 2016

New Board Designs

Here are some new designs I have created.  

8"x20" $20.00 This can have a family name added to the bottom
I know I don't drink wine or coffee but thought these were so cute!!

8"x8" $10.00
8"x8" $10.00

10"x12" $15.00 
These are 12"x18" and $40.00.  I do not sell the mugs or glasses with them - figured most people have those already!  :)  You can choose the font and I can do the painting in any color you want.  I can get the hooks in silver, black, white, and antique gold.

8"x15" $12.00

8"x15" $12.00

These clipboards are a great way to show off some of your favorite photos!

28"x8" $30.00

24"x8" $22.00

5"x17" $15.00

5"x17" $15.00
8"x14" $15.00 or can do it 14"x8"

All clipboards in the picture below are 5"x28" and have 3 clips.  Pre-designed are $20.00, custom designs are $22.00. 

I can actually do any saying/wording you want on any of the above clipboards.  Just add $2.00 per board for any custom design you want me to create.

Holiday Open House

Time just seems to fly, doesn't it?  My last post was about graduation and now I am posting about Christmas!!  I didn't mean to skip summer, start of school, Halloween, etc.  Just busy and to be honest, forgot about updating this blog.  Guess I would never succeed as a full-time blogger!! 

Anyway, I am really excited to share with you that I am having Open House this week!  I did a craft booth at the Wauseon Chili Fest back in September and although we had good traffic and a perfect day weather-wise, I brought a lot of boards home.  My mother-in-law suggested I do an Open House at my own home.  Great idea in that I don't have to pack up everything and set up and worry about weather and then tear down and unpack!  I called a couple other ladies who make crafts and food to see if they would be interested.  They were!!

So here it is:  

And while you are in the neighborhood, be sure to stop in at Stella Leona Chocolates and Weeping Willow in downtown Pettisville.  They are also having Open Houses.

Hope to see you tomorrow!!!