1. Flame of Resistance by Tracy Groot
Historical fiction with romance! Set during WWII in France during Nazi occupation, Brigette Durand turns her home into a brothel to survive. She is determined to help the Resistance. An American fighter pilot is shot down and because he looks German, the Resistance uses him to infiltrate Brigette's German-only brothel. Will they be caught? Must read to find out!
2. The Faithful One by Michelle Chynoweth
This book is a modern-day take on the book of Job from the Bible. I had a hard time putting this one down. God is always good and trust-worthy.
3. Love isn't Suppose to Hurt by Christi Paul
This is her true story of abuse by the hands of her first husband. I do not usually like to read autobiographies but got this one free. It was okay. Some of the events didn't seem to flow - she skipped around a lot. I am so happy that she was able to get out of the situation and find someone who truly loves her!